Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hey all. Being back home in San Diego this past month was such a blessing. It was great to see everyone and partake in my friends' Bryce and Wes' weddings. I'm back in the DR now though and back to work. We've been busy organizing our first national surf competition for February and bringing down a team from the states. We're also running our national facebook page with weekly devotionals that are sent to our friends nation-wide. Needless to say, I've been loving being back home.

As many of you know, I am only able to be down here because of the financial support from friends and family. If you've given and have committed to giving - THANK YOU!!! If not, don't worry you can now give online via PAYPAL. You will not receive a tax write off by giving through PAYPAL, but your gift will be heart felt. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Paypal site - LINK
website donate page - LINK

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