Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back in SD!

I’m back in San Diego!! I’ll be organizing and preparing for the surf trip and the camp able trip while I’m here and raising funds. If you still want to get involved in either trips please contact me soon! Feel free to join 25 for 20 if your not interested in attending the trips, but would like to donate to the ministries financially. I’ll also be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas here before I go back Jan. 7th to visit the family in Sarasota, FL and then back to the DR. Woot Woot.

Movie Night

Last night was the first big event we had for the surf ministry down here in the Dominican Republic. There is a group of us that meet every Sunday morning on the beach for a bible study and this was the first big event that we hosted for our community of surfers.

All in all we had over 30 individuals come to the house of Chuck and Mia Gallo to watch “Beyond the Dream, The Joey Buran story.” The movie is about a local California surfer and his testimony of how he accomplished his dreams in the surfing world and was eventually led to be a strong believer in the Faith. It was a great testimony to all the surfers that were there and it was rad watching all the waves. We were able to serve pizza thanks to New Missions and were able to share the amazing story of Jesus with a community of kids that don’t experience love on a daily basis. It was truly a rad night.