Dear family and friends,
During the months of September, 2008 to March of 2009, I found myself at work doing that which I feel God has specifically gifted me to do. I was serving in SosĂșa, Dominican Republic with a Not for Profit group called New Missions as an on-site missionary. It was through this experience and the short time I had spent with friends and family back in the states after my trip that I feel allowed me to define my vocation more clearly. I use the term “vocation” as a place where my deepest passions meet the World’s greatest needs. Allow me to quickly describe how I came to discover my vocation through these recent experiences.
After leaving my term of six months in the Dominican Republic (DR), my goal was to begin my graduate studies in the field of School Psychology at San Diego State University (SDSU). On the plane back to the states however, I was already missing my ministry and friends in the Dominican Republic so much that I had nearly told myself that I would return if I was not accepted into the graduate program. As I visited my home back in San Diego, California and interviewed for entry into grad school however, God put a desire back in my heart to serve the people of southern California. One week later, I received notice that I was not accepted into the graduate program at SDSU. I was now faced with the decision of going back to the DR or moving back to San Diego (SD) and pursuing other opportunities.
Following this news, I sought the advice of a lot of close friends and family members trying to decide what to do with myself. While I was active in most all of my passions and desires in the DR, I found myself being called at the same time to SD to pursue very similar ministries and activities. Thus, after praying, fasting, and consulting with a lot of close friends and mentor figures in my life I was very torn in deciding which way to go. I knew for sure that I had a huge heart for both locations and both ministry opportunities. However, I also wanted to make sure that my decision was primarily based on where I felt God was calling me and also that this choice would ultimately bring the most glory to God. Therefore, I have decided to pursue living in both the DR and SD.
Vocationally, I find the most fulfillment when I am working to serve 2-3 months in SD and 2-3 months in the DR. I hope to work while advocating for New Missions when I am in SD and to continue and grow the ministries I was involved with previously when I am in the Dominican Republic. The more I pray and discuss this idea with friends and family, the more at peace I become with this decision. I do want to emphasize however, that I am doing this because I feel called to serve both locations, not because I do not feel I have the capability of raising funds for living in the DR solely. With that being said, I pray and hope you will find favor in me as I begin to pursue the calling that I feel God has placed upon my life.
With Love,
Dustin Miller