The sport of surfing in the Dominican Republic has been a growing and flourishing form of recreation among our shores. The sport has brought numerous tourists to our coasts and more and more nationals are participating and performing at an international level. However, there are still many coastal towns with good waves, but suffer from lack of surfboards, experience, and a continual surf presence. One of these towns is called Nagua. That is, until now.
On June 7th, 2011 a team of missionaries from Daytona Beach, FL representing Christian Surfers USA joined Christian Surfers DR in order to begin the first ever Surf School in Nagua, DR. The week of events was hosted by local mission organization - Everyday Ministries who took care of transportation, translation, room & board, and had a great reputation and knowledge of the community. It was truly a coming together of many persons, organizations, and hopes that the sport of surfing joined with the love of Christ could positively impact the town of Nagua - forever.

Many things were accomplished through this week of ministry. Firstly, the good news was preached and represented at every location and event as was the primary goal of all involved. Secondly, CS Contact and Nagua local Isaac Gil Peña was blessed and received the charge of running and maintaining Christian Surfers Nagua and the surf school as an on-going ministry on the shores of Nagua. Thirdly, the 12 surfboards and materials (leashes, rashguards, repair kits, etc.) that were donated to the surf school will serve to give free classes and rentals to the local surf community, but also to increase the tourist market in Nagua by making available classes, rentals, and knowledge of the local waves so the school can be self-sustaining.

Please be in prayer for Isaac Gil Peña and Christian Surfers Nagua as they develop the sport of surfing through the love of Christ.